Directory-based bash histories

Using a directory-based bash history allows for a record of shell actions on a directory basis, so a group of developers have some record of what was done while in a directory, when, and by whom. This can be helpful when trying to reconstruct history with limited documentation.

I know this setup will be of some benefit to my successor at my previous job because he has access to everything I ever did in any project directory.

Place this code in your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc

(type source ~/.bash_profile (or .bashrc) to load this for your current session)

function mycd()
#if this directory is writable then write to directory-based history file
#otherwise write history in the usual home-based history file
echo "#"`date '+%s'` >> $HISTFILE
echo $USER' has exited '$PWD' for '$@ >> $HISTFILE
builtin cd "$@" # do actual cd
if [ -w $PWD ]; then export HISTFILE="$PWD/.dir_bash_history"; touch $HISTFILE; chmod --silent 777 $HISTFILE;
else export HISTFILE="$HOME/.bash_history";
echo "#"`date '+%s'` >> $HISTFILE
echo $USER' has entered '$PWD' from '$OLDPWD >> $HISTFILE
alias cd="mycd"
#initial shell opened
export HISTFILE="$PWD/.dir_bash_history"
#timestamp all history entries
export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%h/%d - %H:%M:%S "
export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups
export HISTSIZE=1000000
export HISTFILESIZE=1000000
shopt -s histappend ## append, no clearouts
shopt -s histverify ## edit a recalled history line before executing
shopt -s histreedit ## reedit a history substitution line if it failed
## Save the history after each command finishes
## (and keep any existing PROMPT_COMMAND settings)
export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND"
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